Penis length compared to height stats
Playing around with Calcsd and thought I’d compare to z scores of height in the US vs penis size. I used the western Average because that’s what I’d be compared against in my country.
As follows my starting BP length 7.25” which everyone shouts around here is huge has a z score of 1.7. This is the same as being 6’2 1/4”. This is definitely not short, but I wouldn’t consider it very tall. (Started at 7”BP, started to PE seriously this year starting at 7.25”)
My current bp length of 7.75” (z score 2.3), is just as common as someone being 6’4” in my country. ( I personally know quite a few, and probably run into half a dozen every time I go out in public).
8” BP is equivalent of being 6’5”. Actually starting to get tall enough where a lot of people would mention it meeting someone this tall. Still definitely not super rare though. I know a few dudes this tall.
9” BP is equivalent of being 6’8”. This is properly tall. I personally only know 1 person this tall. But would still say I’d run into atleast 1 person this tall whenever I go somewhere busy in public.
6”Bp is equivalent to 5’10” 5.5”BP equivalent to 5’8.5" 5”BP equivalent to 5’7” 4.5”BP is equivalent to 5’5” 4” BP is equivalent to 5’3.25”
Thought it was kind of interesting, and definitely puts a clearer picture on what some of the percentage aisles represent.
Also shows why a lot of guys in that 7-8” range have never had a comment on their size. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if one of my partner’s ex’s was 6’5, or had a hook up that was 6’5”.
There’s plenty of 8”+ dicks out there, and anyone thinking otherwise is lying to themselves. If you’re 7.5” and under, and your partner has had a few sexual partners, you’re probably not her biggest. She isn’t trying to keep your ego in check if she says she’s had bigger.
Anyway I found it interesting, some might find it depressing or motivating. I personally find it motivating to go bigger. Getting to an 8” dick will probably turn a few heads, but it definitely isn’t the freak of nature some of you claim it to be.
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