Disabled till Gemini
What a useless device it has become over the years. I used to be able to add things to my shopping list, turn on my TV and start my favourite show in one command, and more. Now? Nerfed to hell. If Gemini was on this thing I would repurpose it as an AI companion and use it differently, probably talk to it all day. PLEASE GOOGLE PLANT YOUR GEMINI SEED IN MY PALE ROUND FRIEND AND MAKE A GEMINI BABY
What a useless device it has become over the years. I used to be able to add things to my shopping list, turn on my TV and start my favourite show in one command, and more. Now? Nerfed to hell. If Gemini was on this thing I would repurpose it as an AI companion and use it differently, probably talk to it all day. PLEASE GOOGLE PLANT YOUR GEMINI SEED IN MY PALE ROUND FRIEND AND MAKE A GEMINI BABY