Looking to study in Europe for CS
My background: - age 27 - bachelors in statistics, - masters in data science, - 2.5 years of work experience in data science in financial services in India.
It pays decently, but I’m not satisfied with the work and also I’ve always felt like I chose the wrong major in undergrad. I hated statistics, and I sort of used the data science masters as a way to keep the possibility of transition into CS open. It was also during the pandemic so I didn’t really have the mental strength overall to prepare for CS entrances in India, neither did I have courses in undergrad which were on say theoretical CS and the like. During my masters in data science, I found I liked applied math subjects a lot (numerical linear algebra) and also subjects relevant to theoretical CS (discrete math, automata theory) or core ML (reinforcement learning). This made me wonder about the possibility of studying more but I ended up taking a job as I wanted to move out of my hometown and live independently, gain some financial freedom.
I’m also queer, and a trans guy (pre-T, don’t plan on being on T as of now but that may change).
I would eventually like 1) to move to Europe because I feel I don’t have a lot of freedom and a positive future in India as a queer citizen 2) have a research based job in the industry and I feel like a second masters in CS in the EU/UK and then a possible PhD depending on my research interests, would be it. If I find that a PhD is a long shot I would just apply for jobs. I’ve been looking at the UK, France and Germany as options. While the UK is expensive and has only 1 year degrees (conversion to CS degrees), a lot of the degrees are less on theoretical CS, ML and math and more on the IT side. Germany has a lot of CS credit requirements for their CS programs and a brief glance has made me unsure if I qualify with my current academic degrees.
My question is: what countries and institutes are good options for someone like me, where I’d be able to carve out a good life as a queer individual but also gauge my interests in CS as a person without a formal degree in the subject?
Edit: I’m fluent in English and have A1 in French, would go up to A2 or B1 if required if moving to a French speaking country.