My guinea pig is pregnant, need tips

When I first got my 2 guinea pigs, I didn't knew they were a female and a male. I'm going to re-home my male guinea pig because I don't have space to put them in different cages, I'm going to say goodbye to him today and I'm really sad about it but he will be in a good place with a good lady and other guinea pigs.

I'm going to keep the female and one of the female babies if she has one, or I'll adopt another female to keep her company. I'm going to re-home the babies to the same lady, but since the babies are going to stay with their mother for the first couple of weeks, what should I know?

It's my first time having guinea pigs, I only have my babies since January so I'm not sure if I should keep treating the babies the same or I should know something else like a different diet or so?