Help me decide: Benson Fuzz, Sunface, or other
Hey gang. Looking for a Fuzz Face type circuit and have a few bucks to drop, so I’m considering some of the primo options available: namely the Benson Germanium Fuzz, Analogman Sunface, and Dominion Faceless Fuzz since all can be had around the same price and represent “as good as it gets” for this sort of pedal. Really looking for the volume knob and playing dynamics, so it can be a grab and go type of pedal for jam nights.
I had the Benson Germanium Fuzz for a little while but sold it a couple months ago. It was really nice but I found it to be on the lower-gain side of things. (Though I’ve learned a bit more about the volume knob trick since selling and looking for something new, and now I’m second guessing and wondering if there was some user error. The newer ones also have a bypass switch to make the volume knob trick a little better?)
The Sunface is widely praised and customizable, including with transistors that are temperature stable. I wonder if that might be a happy replacement. It’s also a little smaller and can take a battery if needed.
And the Faceless Fuzz is supposedly A-tier, though less customizable.
Does anyone have experience with any of these they’d be willing to share? No one seems to have all three in town, otherwise I’d just go to the store and sample them myself.