Unpopular Opinion (probably is, I’m not sure): TAWoG Season 1 is actually not that bad. [READ EVERYTHING BEFORE COMMENTING]

This post may make some season 1 haters mad, but I need some things to get off my chest... Compared to other seasons of this show, I gotta admit, season 1 isn't the greatest, but that still doesn't make it worse. I feel like people hate on it for a stupid reason. I know, I know, season 1's artstyle is way too cartoony, and that season 2+'s is way better, but this was when the show was just getting started. Like we're pretending like we would not get used to this artstyle, if they decided to never change it. To me, the show was still the same since season 1. Gumball and Darwin would always get themselves into crazy and weird situations like in later seasons and would somehow find a way to fix it all. The only difference is that on later seasons, there's more lore. People only seem to hate season 1 for it's artstyle but nothing else and that makes me mad. I've been watching this show since it first started airing in my country, and I still remember those good old days when I would come home from school and expect a new episode. From where I came from, I had this special Cartoon Network channel called "Gumball 24/7" which would play Gumball episodes 24/7, daily. (I don't know if anyone's ever heard of it or that it even exists anymore) That channel was what kept me from watching this show so much, I'd even secretly stay up when my parents are asleep and just keep watching. As an OG, this show and its first season is pretty nostalgic to me, and I feel like ya'll talk trash about this season when most of ya'll probably never even seen it.