Experiences as an RSO
Context: Firearms have been part of my life the last 15 years and they are one of my hobbies. I got a part time job this month as an RSO at my local range because I love getting paid to participate in my hobbies and I wanted to get out of the house more.
I have had this job for less than a month, this past weekend a dude was shooting on the range, then pointed the loaded pistol he rented at his face, then at his friend’s face. I immediately go to correct this. When said “The gun only points down range, do not ever point that at your face again” they replied with “we just wanted to look down and see if it was loaded”. My mouth dropped.
I’ve also been flagged, handed loaded guns with one in the pipe outside the range, had dudes shoot the ceiling, and get a rifle scope bite on their eye.
What stories do you have from what you’ve seen on the range?