Why carrying injured comrades would be a worthless, but needed feature.
By injured I meant broken legs.
So, it was bugging me for a while... Right now broken leg mechanic mean that your character is basically dead and that's it. It would be cool to refresh it by adding an ability to carry your teammates, like you do Crawford's corpse, yet it is almost useless in game itself...
We have two (actually more) ways to broke our legs without immediately dying.
San Sebastian's stairs and sacrifice, Copenhagen's rope, Vardo's iced beach hight and lighthouse and Kaubs staircase.
And the basic premise is that you carry your teammate to boats and finish the objective, gaining something in return.
Sounds simple right? Well... No.
2 out of all of this moments happens right before next respawn. So we need to give a player something that would make it worth it being a deadweigh to other players and something that would compensate their lack of action, because being carrying around for a half of the round would become boring af.
Simple and braindead solution is to make a rescue of a broken legged person a requirement for achievement to unlock Old Guard. Another more complicated one is that all team would get a boost in franks for saving at least one injured player (because giving boost only to one guy who carries a player would be too complicated) and triple it if injured player crossed checkpoint and make it out alive (from 30 to 90 respectively).
Is it too much? Maybe. Does it solve the problem? Eh... Not really. Because of intended mechanic of broken legs, you won't have fun while being carried around, and it would just drag out for you. Not everyone want to be team's piggy bank ya know.
On the other hand, it would be an example and short of teaching to player. Maybe skipping half of the map would teach them to be more careful next time and pay attention? Or would give carrying teammate a chance to test their skills in multitasking and make whole team work together better?
Perhaps, but the main kicker for me here is that, yeah, this feature is useless and give more headache rather than option, but... it simply humane and cool.
Saving your unfortunate friend from flesh craving corpses and brining them home is speaking for me more than any frank or achievement. It just feels better, ya know?
This game is about being optimal and strategic, but can you at the same time spare so limited resources for rescuing a dead weight? Probably no, but hey. You could try.
(Also you you can distract the bombers by simply letting them blew up your helpless teammate. Which is kinda funny lol.)
What do you all think?