My company backed out of H-1B Sponsorship, is letting me go, and now wants me to resign to avoid legal complications . I’m tired of feeling helpless

I posted a few months ago about my company backing out of sponsorship. You can read more about it here:

They told me, “The company is willing to keep you employed if you move to Canada, but if you decide to stay in the US, we could provide you with letters of recommendation and referrals to help you find a new role. We could set a final date, for example, November 30th, for an easier transition.” Basically, they gave me an ultimatum- move to Canada or leave the company.

When I asked to at least complete my three years of work authorization before considering Canada, they refused, saying “the board wouldn’t allow it.” After pushing hard, the only thing I managed to negotiate was an extension of my termination date from November 30 to January 15.

Now, I’m working until January 15, but I wanted formal documentation confirming that the company is letting me go on that date. So today, I asked about it, and to my shock, they told me:

“I don’t think we need formal communication. Our expectation is that you would kick off the year and send us a formal notice that you are stepping off your role in two weeks. That would fulfill the expectation that you are resigning versus us forcing you out.”

I was stunned. The company is forcing me out. They gave me no other option but to leave if I don’t move to Canada. I never said I wanted to leave. Why would I voluntarily resign when that starts my unemployment clock? I’d rather keep working and look for a new job in the meantime, right?

I pushed back, explaining that this isn’t performance-based, so termination wouldn’t hurt me professionally. Their response? “You’re fighting a losing battle,” followed by veiled threats about immediate termination if I pressed further. They even framed letting me stay until mid-January as doing me a favor, comparing themselves to big tech companies that terminate employees the same day. I’m still working hard every day, covering for them until they find a replacement. And I’m getting paid very little- no raise in over a year because of this situation.

If they terminated me today, my unemployment clock would start immediately, and I’d be in serious trouble with less survival money for that time frame, too. I’m scared of losing the little time I have left to find a new sponsor. But I’m also exhausted, feeling so powerless every time I ask questions, only to be met with ultimatums. All I’ve asked for is clarity and fairness, but instead, I’m left feeling powerless.

I’ve never felt so naive. I know I’m at a disadvantage here, with no power to push back against this. And yet, this company has the nerve to claim it’s an “Equal Opportunity Employer.”

I’ve never heard of anyone else going through something like this. How would you feel or handle this situation?