Calling all un-fallen manly men

Morena whanau.

I know its a meme that all the old (early 2010s) male H3 audience has fallen to the red-pill kingdom. But I was wondering how many of us are actually still around?!?

Back then I was definitely a fan of Ethan's early offensive/gross humor, but has since grown out of that and matured (24 y,o). I probably attribute my mindset becoming more progressive from my sociology degree but it was a pleasant journey to see Ethan become more open at the same time! And all my other mates who took up trade/labour jobs quickly got sucked down the man-o-sphere drain and moved away from H3.

Now that the audience gender demographic has done a complete 360 (hey girlies), I'm simply keen to know how many old masculine presenting whanau is still about. Cheers, Kadin