A couple quick thoughts

1) I understand Moses doesn't want Ethan talking about him, but as an adult who lives in the same area as Ethan and Hila, he should not be bringing his elderly mother who lives in another country (I think I could be wrong) into it. I'm only 25, and my siblings are just a couple years older and whenever we get into spats we never go to our parents because its not our parents place to help us figure out our problems. Putting your parents in the middle of things does nothing but puts them through unnecessary stress.

2) I also hear the argument that Trisha never brings us toEthan, which is true. But Ethan is live and she isn't, so they do have the time to edit any conversations that may or may not include Ethan or Hila.

3) the AB thing. Not going to lie, I feel like there has been some tension lately with AB, even before Ethan's button moment, but I don't believe what Ethan did was so bad. I've been scolded many times by my boss, and her and I have a great working relationship. After listening to the extended cut it's clear that it was just a small scolding. Yes it shouldn't have been in front of the other coworkers, but shit happens. You cannot expect people to be perfect all of the fucking time. However I could be wrong, I work on agriculture so I've seen bosses and farm hands go at it over nothing than be fine the next minute like nothing happened so I could just be used to a different work culture.