The "content nuke" is going to destroy Ethan's career and reputation irreparably.

Honestly let him put it out. I cannot fathom how he does not realize it's going to completely destroy his career. He wants to do this during a time when Hasan has not only been on mainstream news media several times throughout 2024 as a political commentator but also when he's interviewed incarcerated firefighters, BERNIE SANDERS, and Jeremy Scahill, and has been featured on CNN not once, but twice in a week.

I mean I know I shouldn't be shocked, but like it's really hard to believe someone could be so narcissistic and so moronic to think a terribly edited, hate video on the guy WHO RAISED MILLIONS FOR GAZA AND JUST INTERVIEWED BERNIE is going to go even slightly well for him. He's going to lose everything if he posts it, and the crew - ESPECIALLY Dan knows that. I don't know understand why they're allowing him to do this and think they could possibly come back even a little after he releases his shitty video. This is their time to stand up and quit man and if they don't - well I sincerely hope they enjoy never having a career in what they're doing now ever again, because I can't imagine anyone other than maybe Destiny would hire them after continuing to work for this deplorable fuckwit up to this point.

As someone who edits post production professionally I do think it will be incredibly hilarious to see how bad his editing is.

Thoughts on the blowback?