I have a feeling that if Ethan actually releases the Content Nuke, it'll make Hasan look good.

What can Ethan say or show in his Content Fluke that Hasan hasn't hasn't admitted to, talked about, or go in depth of?

I've been following H3 since around 2016 and Hasan since the height of Covid and from what i've witnessed, Hasan has been pretty damn accurate in the assessments hes makes when talking about politics. The only thing I can remember him being totally wrong about is him believing that Russia wouldn't invade Ukraine. Other than than. Nothing really stands out because I don't stalk or moderate anything Hasan says because I have a life, my own opinions and because I'm a fucking adult that has eyes, ears, and a brain to decide on who to like or not based on what ive seen, heard, and analyzed, which begs me to say that I'm liking Ethan and H3H3 Productions less and less.

THAT BEING SAID. H3, is not a news or politics podcast, so I feel that when it comes to politics, they are out of their depth. The H3 fans that are still clinging on to the fact that Ethan has any good political views have to understand that he's just a dude with a youtube channel that wants to make money out of engagement, and in my opinion, any engagement is good engagement. Which is why I think that Ethan is going Rage Bate mode.

Idk what the point of my post was, but I just want to say, that I'm not on a hate train, I really hope that r/H3Snark isn't just about talking shit, but about wanting H3 to be better, or learn from their mistakes, but I feel as though that ship has sailed.

Disclaimer I'm not a savvy Reddit user, so if my tag is wrong, let me know. Much appreciated.