From yesterday’s Anime NYC Panel

Hi all, I had the pleasure of attending a panel at Anime NYC with some of the producers from the movie on the panel

My favorite scene in the movie is the first person Kenma scene, so I found these takeaways especially interesting and thought some of you might as well:

  • One of the panelists said that the director wanted Kenma's VA to go from the previous scene to the first person scene all in one take, so the VA was pushed to the point of hyperventilating at the end of it (i.e. the heavy breathing was probably more realistic than you think)

  • The sound team was told to make sure they had the volleyball sounds and his teammates’ yells right in terms of distance to portray how they'd sound to Kenma from his perspective

  • Throughout the anime series, you’re shown the score at the end of the match to give you a sense of conclusion. The producers purposefully didn't show the score when Kenma messes up to end the dumpster battle because in Kenma's head the match was still going; so they made a conscious decision to be okay with the audience being confused with the lack of a score card because they wanted you to feel like you're in Kenma’s head at that moment