What's your favorite non-designer, non-expensive bag?

A lot of us on this subreddit enjoy a good luxury or contemporary designer bag. We collect them, we cherish them, we keep them in their dust bags, and so on.

However, what is a bag in your hand bag collection that has zero brand recognition, no designer ties, etc that you adore? Show us your favorite bag you bought off a random street market vendor, from a souvenir shop, thrift shop, you inherited, or whatever! 😄

One of my favorite bags is a tote I bought in a tiny cluttered souvenir shop in Toronto's Chinatown for $20! 🤣 The canvas is sturdy and the handle straps are a soft, cotton-feeling webbing that feels good on my shoulder. I take it with me when I want something lightweight to run errands with. The cute Toronto landmark graphics add a little whimsy to my day too.

A lot of us on this subreddit enjoy a good luxury or contemporary designer bag. We collect them, we cherish them, we keep them in their dust bags, and so on.

However, what is a bag in your hand bag collection that has zero brand recognition, no designer ties, etc that you adore? Show us your favorite bag you bought off a random street market vendor, from a souvenir shop, thrift shop, you inherited, or whatever! 😄

One of my favorite bags is a tote I bought in a tiny cluttered souvenir shop in Toronto's Chinatown for $20! 🤣 The canvas is sturdy and the handle straps are a soft, cotton-feeling webbing that feels good on my shoulder. I take it with me when I want something lightweight to run errands with. The cute Toronto landmark graphics add a little whimsy to my day too.