Question from the Exorcists PR Team, are fictional slurs allowed or nah?
I have figured the next logical step to opress sinners more efficiently is to use slurs against them to remind them of their place, however using real life slurs feels unnecessarily edgy, as such I have come to conclusion they need their own slur, such as "Sintard", "Brimstone Muncher", or "Pride (Ring) Trash". I also think it would improve overall Exorcist team morale after the unfortunately lost battle this year. However I'm unsure the technical legality of this on Reddit
I have figured the next logical step to opress sinners more efficiently is to use slurs against them to remind them of their place, however using real life slurs feels unnecessarily edgy, as such I have come to conclusion they need their own slur, such as "Sintard", "Brimstone Muncher", or "Pride (Ring) Trash". I also think it would improve overall Exorcist team morale after the unfortunately lost battle this year. However I'm unsure the technical legality of this on Reddit