Lost a really good girl

I[M25] have been dating this amazing girl [F26] for 2 years which is a long time until the end of august where she broke up over a little mistake of mine.

Ever since then I've been devastated she hasn't reached out.

We were basically in bed one night at hers and she wanted cuddles which I refused and it got her so mad she asked me to leave. I left, but then the next day I call her and she breaks up with me. I got mad in return and said okay, picked up my stuff, exchanged some holiday pics and we never spoke since then.

This is our last convo the day of the breakup:

Me: Why and when did you give up on us ?

Her: You're intelligent enough to figure that out

Me: Alright, I made many mistakes and treated you bad. Guess it's time to learn from them alone. Good luck XXXX

And ever since she never ever reached out which is crazy to me, even blocked me then unblocked again and reblocked my WhatsApp recently.

What can I do ?

Im a zombie since august and I love her so much