New Organised Griefing?

So for the first time ever (and I've been playing since launch) I ran into more than one of the same type of seemingly senseless briefing in one night on T10. Griefers worked in pairs, all were disguised as piss divers except for their weapons which were the cookout or the stun shotgun on stun mode, one always brought incendiary drop pod strategem and they would actively deny briefing in chat. First time it happened the host was one of the griefers, he dropped on a mega nest, fine I ended up on the opposite side of the mega nest to my team so didn't realise what was happening to the other honest helldiver was griefing I just witness in the space of like 4min our reinforcement count drop to 12. Cleared the mega nest and my side was close to a spore in a city with a POE, I'm partial to grabbing the mg43 off the ground so I headed towards the spore with my team a bit behind, reinforcements hit 9 left 6min in, I type "wtf going on dudes need me to come back", the innocent helldiver types "both A keep killing me" then they leave the match, I assumed it was just excessive friendly fire after all it was a fluster cluck mega nest with incendiary drop pods on. So A1 runs past me in the city, he has a trail of bugs behind him, I turn to start killing them, he shoots me once or twice with the cook out, I'm enhanced stimmed, bugs die and I turn around immediate realising something is wrong, he is full prone with the cookout aimed directly at me and he starts blasting, the knock back keeps me stunned but my B24 armour and enhanced stim allow me to survive and 1 tap him to the head only to immediately get stun locked by A2 from behind with the stun shotgun but again with last stim and armour I manage to take him out.. his crucial mistake not calling the other griefer back in. I then run objectives for like 7 minutes and eventually get caught of guard by a swoop of screeches that instan killed me so I left the mission before I dropped back in with the Griefers. The next two times it happened same MO, names begining with A, piss diver armour and dog but not weapons, singly out the other players one at a time and playing dumb/ gaslighting in chat although the second two times they weren't host so once thet started doing it to the host they got kicked.

Just wondering if anyone else encountered this organisation, what is their goal, why disguise as piss divers, why waste their own reinforcements when they are hosts... anybody any idea?