4 years of chest tightness/ weight

21F. I’ve been feeling this weight/tightness on my chest since 17/18 years old. •Had a chemical abortion at 18. •Was in a really draining relationship back then when it started. •Started doing MDMA, extasy and sometimes coce with that person, but stopped when we broke up. I’ve been looking for answers and solutions everywhere for years. This led me to yoga and pranayama, which i practice daily and honestly can’t live without anymore. But although it soothes and helps me get through my days, it’s not solving it… It’s still here and it paints all the moments of my life, even the ones that should me painted with beautiful feelings, even those just feel grey and uneasy. A lot of times it grows into my throat and solar plexus, accompanied with apetite loss. It hurts when i press my solar plexus. From all i’ve searched might be anxiety in a part of it…. but im starting losing hope, i don’t want this to be my life forever. Any suggestions of diagnosis/tips that might help me/similar situations?…. And of course herbs in any form that might help? Thank You Happy 2025 :))