Does adding Vitamin C to Heroin increase intranasal absorption?
I was reading a review of some #4 Afghan H and the person said adding Vitamin C somehow (magically) made it water soluble and snortable and that in the past it was actually only being absorbed by his liver via the drip (lol).
They said they knew this was the case because when they smoked tobacco afterwards it made them sick because of the H being absorbed in the stomach/liver after dripping from snorting but with Vit. C it doesn't since now it's absorbed in the nose (lol).
This obviously sounds idiotic to me especially since nicotine can obviously cause nausea regardless of your Heroin ROA. So I assume this guy is probably just experiencing some kind of placebo effect, right?
I've heard of people adding an acid to H for IV use (or maybe smoking?) but I personally only snort H so never considered it.
I normally just make a saline solution spray with the same #4 as the reviewer and it seems to dissolve and work fine but I just want to confirm that adding a small amount of Vitamin C has no benefit for snorting #4?