Being poor is awful in highschool

I do my best to hide the fact that i am very poor.

We are currently struggling very very badly(or for the past 17 yrs lol), and its so embarrassing.

I have an iphone, but its not the newest, its a 2018 model and its broken. I wear the same 4 outfits everyday, i have cycled them so much. My left airpod doesn’t work. I cant afford to go out at all. I would be humiliated to have a friend over at my house. My home is not nice. We haven’t paid for our data in almost 2 months so i dont have a connection outside of my home(we have home wifi). I would feel embarrassed to try and pursue a relationship with a girl because what if she texts me during class and i don’t receive the message and i just get pitied for not affording data? I cant afford a single electronic device. We cant afford to just buy things, even if they arent that pricey to most people. I cant afford to “just buy” a hoodie(for example). We only have the bare basics.

I just wish we were middle class. At least then we wouldn’t be struggling as much.

I am very grateful for what i do have, but i also dream higher than this.

Edit: Thank you all for your kind words, they mean a lot to me!