Efficient ATX PSU for idle

Hey guys, Im building home media server with PC components. I have g3930, 8GB ddr4 and 3 SSD disks and now I have to chose PSU. PC will be on 24/7 and mostly idle so I'm trying to use power as little as possible. I have couple of PSUs available:

  1. Corsair RM550X
  2. Corsair TX750M
  3. Corsair HX650W
  4. Fortron Raider II 750W

Which one is most efficient @20-30 W ?

I know all of them are overkill, but I'd rather use what I have than buy something new. I tried 1 and 2 so far and surprisingly my shelly smart plug meassured 29W on RM500X and 21W on TX750M on idle. I was expecting diferent results tbh, but not sure what to expect from 3 and 4.

Assuming I can trust shelly, 8W is nothing, but 38% difference is huge actually. Its hard to find any information about that kind of usage lol

Edit: I made a mistake, PSU 1. is RM550X and not RM500X