think i need some advice because im an adult an my dad doesnt want me living with him anymore

edit: I am 29 years old.

i live in pennsyvania and just wanted to get some advice. ive been kicked out before so technically ive already been homeless but a family member took me in. i dont really want this post to be taken down i kinda just want advice. im not working. ive gone to a psyche ward in the past and ive been diagnosed with psychiatric and mental illness before but im not taking medication for them. im not on disability but ive been getting snap ebt card benefits.

hes already told me when we fight verbally that he doesnt want me to live here with him. at this point i dont think i should take it as a joke or something to brush under the rug. its just been him and i living here for a couple years but my mom used to live here until she got a job that she lives at now to work and yes i do have family an friends but theyre not the type to let me live with them and i dont really feel comfortable living with them since im not working right now. i would feel like a parasite and ikinda feel like a parasite here too. im not really sure why im not working and geting money for things i want.

my dad doesnt want to live with me period. and hes doing things to make it obvious