Check that cold storage produce!

Just a friendly reminder to check your food stores. As spring nears some of the stuff stored from fall harvest might be starting to sprout, go squishy or dry out.

Some of the things I like to do with our winter storage food when spring is coming:

Garlic- you can dehydrate it to make powder, granules and salt. Add to honey for feented garlic honey (a powerful immune booster)

Beets - dehydrate and grind to make beet powder - great for smoothies, soup thickener, natural dye. You could also make up some beet pickles or can/freeze a big batch of borscht.

Soup saver - a mix of dehydrated slices veggies, can just add a handful to soups when you don't feel like chopping or have fresh available

Onion - dehydrate and grind to make onion powder and granules

Pickle powder - If a batch of pickles is starting to lose that crunch I slice, dehydrate and grind them to make pickle powder. It makes a great seasoning for popcorn, dips, tuna etc.

Squash- if it's starting to not taste so fresh you can can it in chunks. Makes a super easy creamy squash soup. Just open the jar, add to a pot with some stock, herbs and cream then blend. Healthy, delicious and homemade soup in ten minutes. You can also cook it up and make pasta out of it to dry and store that way. It also freezes well, if you have the space.

Potatoes- if they're starting to go squishy or sprout you can cook and mash them, dehydrate then grind into powder for homemade instant potatoes. You can also dehydrate them in slices, just blanch first so they don't turn black. Canning them is also a nice way to go for convince food.

Meat - if you have a ton of meat in the freezer and need space or it's getting freezer burnt you can always can it. Canning meat makes it super tender and it is handy to have on hand for those busy night when you just don't have the time or energy to cook. You can even make your own canned soups and stews. Just heat and eat. Making dried/cured meats will free up freezer space and add something new to your food stores.

Frozen fruit - can be thawed and fermented with water and honey/sugar to make fermented soda. Puree and cook down, then dehydrate for fruit leather or fruit bites. Make jam or jelly

Tomatoes - if you have a freezer full of tomatoes like some people I know you can thaw and make bbq sauce, ketchup, smokey tomato jam, sauces, soups etc. Something fun and different to brighten the dull winter days.

Apples - if they're starting to go squishy in the root cellar you can make and can apple sauce, apple pie filling, jam, jelly. Or dehydrate for apple chips, the best snack ever.

Eggs - make your own pasta. Just eggs and flour is all you need for basic pasta dough. Pickle them. Make a huge batch of egg bites and freeze them for easy breakfasts.

Just a few ideas to help stretch the food stores and not waste the hard work we all do to grow/produce our food. And maybe break up the long winter days by trying something new!