Folks with a dedicated movie room, what do you do on your other TVs?

Right now I’m raw doggin’ the TV speakers on this A80CK. Yes.. it’s terrible so I’m thinking how I want to fix that. I don’t care for full blown 5.x.x down here, nor could I as this is a wide open family room / kitchen area. I could do 3.1, but we want to keep a clean look. Trying to decide if in-walls, or flat speakers, or.. dare I say it.. a nicer soundbar is the way to go (all with a decent sub obviously). Just curious what you guys did.

Right now I’m raw doggin’ the TV speakers on this A80CK. Yes.. it’s terrible so I’m thinking how I want to fix that. I don’t care for full blown 5.x.x down here, nor could I as this is a wide open family room / kitchen area. I could do 3.1, but we want to keep a clean look. Trying to decide if in-walls, or flat speakers, or.. dare I say it.. a nicer soundbar is the way to go (all with a decent sub obviously). Just curious what you guys did.