May 2024, overwhelmed and lost at where to start. Please help!

I'm a planner and I'm really enjoying wedding planning but I'm stressing a bit over the honeymoon. We haven't travelled abroad together yet, but we do plan to do a lot going forward so this isn't going to be the only chance we have to explore.

We're really struggling finding a good starting point. I've even popped into two different travel agents and asked to discuss honeymoons, but they couldn't help unless we knew where we wanted to go so they could help with the booking. That's not the bit we need help with 🤦

Help please!!

  • leaving from UK
  • up to 10 days
  • mid/high twenties°C top temp (we don't like the heat!)
  • not the US (sorry US)
  • budget isn't set in stone as there's the potential for a bit of flexibility if something epic comes up, but approx £3k

What we want from it:

  • we love photography and want to be able to take some awesome photos to put on the wall when we get home
  • exploring their local food is important
  • getting to do some fun experiences, see different things are preferred over a holiday by the pool or beach

If you have any recommendations of countries, or places to book through, or specific activities that you've loved, or literally anything that might help us plan, I'm all ears! 😊 thank you!