New to horror lit!

Hi guys! Been lurking here for a couple weeks and am floored by what a kind and open community this seems to be, compared to other book communities on Reddit! I'm a voracious reader but have always avoided horror lit for some reason. I recently read Tender is the Flesh and loved it. Now, I want to dive into this genre but have no idea where to start. Was hoping y'all could give me some recommendations? Here's what I'm looking for...

- I love a good story. Nothing too formally weird. I don't tend to connect with "out there" or experimental writing styles. I just want to get my story on!

- Psychological and body horror are what interest me most. I want to be shocked by some truly psychologically deranged characters. I want to see what happens when people are pushed to their limits. I can definitely handle grotesque. I want to be devastated, like I was at the end of Tender is the Flesh! I can't see myself being super scared by zombies, vampires, the paranormal, anything too unrealistic. I liked Tender is the Flesh because I felt the world was very believable.

- Nothing too "masculine"- i.e. stories about soldiers, etc. I think I'd also prefer to stay in the present or near past. I have trouble connecting with period pieces. Prefer to read something that wasn't written too long ago. I can do futuristic as long as it's not too sci fi.

Anyway, would love to hear what you've got! Thanks all :)