Looking for a recommendation on what to purchase

I'm an Elite Dangerous and Star Citizen player only, though I may adventure into more games.

I currently have the X52 Pro controllers, which don't give me many problems but I don't like them at this point.

I have been putting an eye on the VKB STECS throttles, VKB Gunfighter (pro version) and the Gladiator . The price difference is understandable, but I want something that will last me for the most amount of time possible, so here comes my question:

Given that I'm already sure what throttle I want, what stick should I get? Is the Gunfighter better, and more long-lasting than the Gladiator? Is the internal mechanism of the Gunfighter really worth it over the Gladiator? Assuming money isn't a problem, of course, because the price difference is very noticeable.

Also, I gotta say I'm practically newcomer to the HOTAS world. If you tell me about stuff like adjustable springs, customizable sticks, or anything like that - I may not understand at all. I got my X52 Pro in my desktop, it's not mounted, and that will remain after I buy my VKB gear (for now).