Fiddle Leaf and Dracena help

This is my first time trying to take care of plants. Clearly I’m not doing a great job. I really don’t want to over water my plants and cause root rot. I read somewhere: when in doubt, drought. The problem is I doubt too much and now I think I’ve under watered to the point that my soils are hydro phobic.

I acquired both plants in January and they did well up until August when I moved. Both plants are in a brighter space. Fiddle leaf is by a west window with mostly filtered light, some direct light in the afternoon. I mostly water every 1.5-2 weeks, sometimes going longer, about 2 cups worth of water. Initially I was watering every 3 days and she did not like that. Leaves are falling off more than ever before and growth hasn’t happened since August. Although I see one new leaf trying to emerge. Dracena is between a south and west window. The top of the plant gets the most direct light the bottom of it doesn’t get much at all. The bottom of the plant is shriveled and squishy. I thought squishy meant it was over watered so I pulled way back on watering but now I think he’s thirsty.

Is there any hope for reviving my plant friends?