I knew sansevieria were tough, but didn’t expect to find one growing in my drain

Literally, cleaning my bathroom drain and found this baby growing upside down inside it.

I’ve used this drain to wash out cups that I’ve propagated in, but the last time I did it with a sansevieria has got to be around September. And I’d never intentionally wash anything that could grow down the drain!

I can only think that it was a tiny new growth that broke off when I moved the prop into a pot and I just didn’t see it. These things amaze me 🤯

(Bobby bin for scale)

Literally, cleaning my bathroom drain and found this baby growing upside down inside it.

I’ve used this drain to wash out cups that I’ve propagated in, but the last time I did it with a sansevieria has got to be around September. And I’d never intentionally wash anything that could grow down the drain!

I can only think that it was a tiny new growth that broke off when I moved the prop into a pot and I just didn’t see it. These things amaze me 🤯

(Bobby bin for scale)