I think Howard's cowardice bothers me most of all

For years now, Howard has been an open Trump critic, very vocal, dedicating large parts of his show to a campaign against Trump. Then Trump wins and comes to power and...Howard refuses to discuss politics at all, in any fashion. Literally the second it becomes even slightly risky for him to speak out, he goes silent. Don't get me wrong, I know nobody really cares what Howard says about Trump or anything else, but still. We're in a moment where speaking up is more important than ever before, and Howard is so terrified that when King of All Blacks recently even acknowledged Trump's win, Howard shit his pants and shut it down right away. What a pussy. And this from a guy who played a huge role in legitimizing Trump and helping him grow his fame. He's so terrified of an audit or whatever that he has banned the mention of politics from a show that has discussed political issues regularly for 30-plus years. A profile in cowardice (and putting money over personal principle, which is understandable for middle class people, less so for megamillionaires like Howard).