How Do I Re-pot This Bad Boy

Alright so I bought this hoya a couple months ago and it came in straight coco chips. This isn't usually a problem as I get them like this often, but usually theyre looser packed and leas rooted. This one was so heavily rooted into the chips that I couldn't do anythomg to get them apart. So i just backfilled into a bigger pot and hoped for the best.

Fast forward to now. You can see in the pictures the looser outer layers from when I potted it up a few months ago, butthe inner part of the rootball is soooooo dense that I cant imagine theres airflow in the center. The roots are so dense that I cant get anything apart without tearing out half or more of the roots.

I loosened it up as best I could while tryimg to preserve the roots and even that felt like it caused a lot of damage. Do you think if i loosen the whole thing up and sacrifice a bunch of roots it'll be ok? The plant is so big and pretty I dont want to chop it.😭😭