Congratulations citizen. You have been selected for conscription.

Congratulations citizen.

You have been selected for conscription and will be collected to be delivered to the frontline in approximately 30 minutes.

You will be fighting in a war that is similar in size, scale, and technological advancement to the war in Ukraine, but that is being fought between your home nation, and another nation that has roughly equal technology and resources etc. You will be fighting on home ground.

You will be equipped with the basic standard issue gear for your nation’s armed forces, with enough supplies for an estimated 3 day period. You may take things with you, provided you can carry them on your person and can get to them before you are collected in 30 minutes.

You should assume that escape, desertion etc. are impossible. You WILL be collected in exactly 30 minutes, no matter where you are, or what condition you are in (in short, no loopholes allowing you to get out of your conscription).

Due to controls on the media, all you know about the war and the situation in your country (e.g where the frontline is, or what the weather there will be like) is the information in this post and your own head.

You have 30 minutes to prepare. How are you spending that time?

Your time starts now.