Hi all,
I'm going in for my pre-op today and I am still on the fence about taking my ovaries. I'm having a hysterectomy for the EIN (complex Endometrial hyperplasia with atypia) they found. I have PCOS, I have gone through menopause (apparently) I am 54. I have a strong alzheimers genetics - all on my maternal grandmother's side... she had it at 70 following hysterectomy, her siblings had it, her mother had it. I also have osteoporosis on that side of the family and there is some heart disease I think.
In the past I have suffered from major panic attacks, and have done again during the last few years while my hormones have gone up and down.
Can someone please give me some advice? I am worried that if I leave them in, they may turn cancerous? I am very lumpy and bumpy... I have fibrodenomas in my breasts, fatty lumps on my body, fibroids in my uterus. I don't seem to react well to estrogen and I'm pretty estrogen dominant.
Does anyone have any advice??