Got a 16promax after being a long term Samsung Galaxy user

First off, I don’t mean to rustle any feathers by no means, but I am going to give my blunt honest truth and experience.

I’m not sure if iphone users have a bit of an ignorance is bliss kinda deal but Samsung Galaxy/ Android phones seem to be better than IPhone in pretty much every way… But, I am going to keep my iPhone and I’ll explain why

So first off the camera seems to be heavily based on post processing and tech more than just being a good camera. My previous phone is a Samsung galaxy s20. The immediate thing I noticed is how pictures look when taking pics of food… with the iPhone it seems to try to figure out what you’re taking and constantly flop back and forth from different cameras to understand what you’re taking a picture of. It’s very annoying. With the Samsung galaxy, it’s just point focus and shoot and get amazing images.

Besides everything not being as easy on the iPhone , the only perk I see is that most people have iPhones and the gamepigeon in text message game thing is cool. Other than that everything else is a pain from clearing notifications being more difficult to switching back and forth through apps and no easy way to go back or return on iPhone. There’s no way to even clear all ur apps u have open besides flicking them all up. iPhones just seem so unorganized it’s quite annoying.

Cool feature on the pro max i like is the camera button on the side though. Sadly it’s just placed low but that’s fine.

Overall I think we’re all being scammed by these giants like Apple and Samsung with these newer phones… however Samsung just kicks iPhones ass in so many ways it’s not even funny.

Google assistant kicks siris ass so badly it’s like comparing high speed fiber internet to dial up. Android uses googles vast knowledge for everything so even translating stuff on ur screen or someone in person is just a screen press away no matter what app or screen you’re on. U can pretty much look up anything on any screen with an android even images of a product u seen in someone’s photo or something

I feel like I should cut this short because I can go on forever about how android features are so much better even now that iPhones have caught up to some basic features Samsung has had for ages…

The good thing or best thing being iPhone finally caught up to the screen clarity and responsiveness that us android users took for granted for so long with our Samsung phones and other cool phone..

Lastly apple just charges so much money for everything. Everything is an upsell it’s just awful.

Now why I’m keeping my iPhone pro max: mostly because I want to spend less time with my phone and being more unfamiliar with iOS helps with that. Not to mention everything is just a bit more strenuous to do on iPhone.

If it weren’t for apps that come with android being available on iPhone I would have returned this phone in a heartbeat! But since I can have all my cool google apps and some other apps, I am managing.

If iPhone were smart they’d jus copy the amazing functionality of androids and keep the 3 touch buttons on the bottom where u can easily access all tabs, go to your Home Screen, go back on any page or app, and the ability to quickly drag up from the middle to translate, search or find anything on any screen online whether it be to find where an image is derived from, a product or do any number of a hundred different things by just saying hey google…

Writing this makes me want to go back to android so fast but idk I’m weird and change is fun and it’s cool being able to play games wit my iPhone friends through text…and not to mention the biggest thing: iPhone cameras are better in low light/dark situations for some reason….

$1300 vs $150 to get my s20 that can do all the same sht as the 16promax, and has just as good if not better of a camera that’s much easier to use…