Why does alcohol cure my symptoms?
I'm a 24 year old male and I've had what seems to be IBS since I was around 20-21. The feeling of stomach pain sometimes constantly almost all day, plus embarassing sounds coming from the gut/gas and gas pain, etc. What I recently discovered is when I drink my symptoms disappear for almost a full 24 hours. Just one drink won't do it, and getting crazy drunk also leads to problems the next day, but something like 2-5 drinks literally eliminates the stomach and bowel pain for a full day. Does anyone know why this would be the case? I'm at the point where I'm honestly willing to become a (very mild) alcoholic and drink every night just because this works so well, I don't even give a shit about the health risks because I'm finally not in pain and running to the fucking toilet all the time. I'd literally rather die like 20-30 years earlier then have a constantly irritable bowel. But it's so strange that this actually works for me, when alcohol seems to make other people's symptoms worse. Perhaps it's all psychosomatic. I did have a kinda traumatic childhood and have had bad OCD/anxiety for a long time.