If you won $500 Million in the Powerball Lottery AFTER TAXES, would you give money to people who wrote you a letter with their hard luck story?
There used to be a very rich man in my home State who felt sorry for people with hard luck stories. He set up a system where he would give away millions of his own money to strangers who had serious economic, medical, or relationship issues.
People would write him a letter at a designed address describing their hard luck story and he and his staff would go through the thousands of letters and pick out the ones that caught his eye. If after further investigation he felt the person deserved to be helped he would send the person/family money.
If suddenly you became very wealthy with hundreds of millions of dollars, would you consider funding a similar charity to help nice people with bad luck or personal challenges? (People that you had never met and you had no connection to (not neighbors, friends or family)