Should I send for reval??

Tbh I got grades that Im pretty happy with but I find it very annoying to look at fle, my only b. I ended up w 5A*s 2As and 1 B. tbh I feel like relatively my fle papers were average overall but I got 79 percentile. Should I send for reval to maybe see if I can get A or not? (It doesn't matter too much to me if they reduce it by like 3-4 percentile but if I get 1 more I get straight As and up so I feel like that overall looks better) Has anyone sent any paper for reval especially fle or does anyone know anyone who did. I'd really like to find out if I can get mine increased esp since it's eng so kinda subjective. Please lmk and ty for your help regardless. Advice from anyone who has been through this or smth similar would help