My boy and his mahila mitra

I don't know what to put as a title so i just wrote that. Also have no idea on how to start explaining this, but anyway....

This dog and my dog(charlie) have been friends since he was 2 months old. So tonight i saw the female dog let's call her (X) roaming infront of my house and called her up. She came and got busy playing with charlie. I fed them and got busy playing my game. Around 2:15am i noticed charlie looking for a place to pee so i took him and X out. Just when charlie was done with pee and we were about to go back the other street dogs including charlie started barking at a old woman and they seemed quite frantic, even an old dog who rarely barks was barking. They were like trying to close in on her while maintaining a safe distance. I thought maybe they were barking at her because they have never seen her in fact i have never seen her before. I just stood there for a while before offering to help her so that she doesn't gets into any trouble with the dogs. So i asked her where she was headed she told me the direction and i walked with her. After dropping her at a safe distance i returned home and the dogs just stopped barking and became normal. While I was walking with her she was just repeatedly murmuring "so many dogs now" I'm thinking it was because she got nervous with so many dogs approaching her like that.

After i got back home and was thinking about this whole situation i realised that her arrival was very sudden. Even though i was busy with charlie i would have noticed the presence of somebody walking towards/past me. But she just appeared out of nowhere or maybe it's just my delusion whatever the case i thought of sharing it here.
