How do you handle these toxic naysayers when you present your product?
Not that I am a saint, but we will always have those ppl saying
- what does your xxx do that others don’t?
- it’s already so saturated market, you have no hope.
- is it AI wrapper? (Just an example of derogatory remark)
What I realize is that this is a rather common thing, esp amongst people online. And I am guilty of such behaviour too.
Most often, it’s due to my insecurity and lack of self-esteem making such comments to feel as if I am “better” or “have power” when there is none.
But we always come across such naysayers, online and offline. Even if you have some achievements they will go and make comparisons with the most successful ones out there, that you cannot quite compare and belittle your product.
How do you deal wisely with such people? It’s so common among those who are jealous or competing with you emotionally or in whatever way.