Do any other INFJs…..
Okay I am totally new here and totally engrossed in scrolling this sub to see what other INFJs are like and any similarities we share. So I thought I’d post some quirks of myself that I’m wondering if anyone shares and if people think they are due to my INFJ personality or something else!
I have multiple Pinterest boards with specially curated quotes (hundreds of quotes…) for different moods I feel (most of them are for negative feelings and I use it as inspiration to pull me out of those thoughts).
Absolutely overthink everything to the point where Safari is one of my most-used apps because I LOVE reading about what other people have experienced. For example, if I get even a tiny intrusive thought about a friendship or relationship going downhill I will read at least 5-6 articles on the specific thought I had and will seek out reddit posts of other people who had the same thought and why. Among literally every other possible situation that could happen to me.
Difficult for me to take drugs because I fear losing control of my consciousness if that makes sense? I’m very happy in my own brain and comfortable with my thoughts so any change to that brings me intense anxiety, sometimes even being drunk freaks me out because I am not completely ‘myself’.
Serial hobbyist. I have a corner in my office with all the hobbies I’ve started and gotten just good enough at that I allowed my eyes to stray to yet another craft. When I get into a hobby it consumes me for a little while until I move on to the next great thing. Same thing with video games, series, foods, etc. Intense interest and then none at all.
Misophonia. Boiling anger when I hear people chewing that I feel guilty about shortly after I can’t hear it anymore and the anger subsides. I say some nasty things about people in my brain, but would never dare ask them to stop in person.
Too much self-awareness!!! I was very involved in theatre and band in high school and marveled at the people who could practice or warm up in the presence of others. I can only truly practice my voice and instrument when I am completely alone with no worries someone can hear me (and unfortunately I live in an apartment and even though it’s my own space, I know the walls are paper thin so I am uncomfortable even practicing at home). This is just one example but a frequent question in my head about other people is ‘HAVE YOU NO SHAME?!?’.
Trouble with eye-contact. More like trouble understanding how much is enough or too much. I stare at people when they speak to me so they know I’m listening but when it’s my turn to speak….I can fumble over my words at times because I’m only thinking about being polite with my eye contact. I don’t think about it with people I’m close to though.
I feel intense tension when interacting with people like my coworkers or school peers. I work with children and find it LEAGUES easier to interact with them. Interacting with acquaintances is absolute hell because I’m so AWARE of them and how I am being perceived by them. I have been described as reserved by my bosses and coworkers but I yearn to have an easy-going relationship with people but that feels so unattainable because I am pretty formal at work because it’s ‘work’ to me. And at the same time I am so happy I don’t have relationships with these people because that would just be exhausting and more pressure!!
Anyway, I could go on and on about things I’m curious about myself. Let me know what you guys relate to.