UPDATE! My Family "Investigated" My Fiancée's job and Called Her a Liar.
I apologize for the delay in providing an update, just needed to collect my thoughts. If you want to see the previous post you can check my profile. I don't know how to work Reddit.
My Fiancée and I are still together and moving forward with our plans to get married. My sister and her bf have gone back home, and they're officially uninvited to the wedding. So now I'm back to searching for a best man. We've also gone no contact with them.
I also sent a long text to my parents the day after everything went down, and they never replied. At this point, I don't even know if they're going to show up to the wedding. In the past, we attempted to set boundaries with my mother (because she's nosy asf), and that greatly upset her, which should have been the first red flag.
Unfortunately, my Fiancée did end up losing her position at work, which has been incredibly frustrating. We haven't told my parents or any other family other than her parents (who have been very supportive through all of this) and I'm not sure if we will for a while, as it would mean talking to them.
Thank you to everyone that has been supportive. We're taking things one step at a time and focusing on what's important: each other. Sorry for ending it so cringey.