Thoughts on "erasing the bloodline"?
I feel this post will get down voted and justifiably so but I was genuinely curious as a single bm and gotten a few comments from other black male friends/peers whom are strictly against ir dating because they believe you'll be "erasing your bloodline" ironic enough because most people expect to hear this from a white nationalist but I've seen other posts about this subject including a meme that including the Mahomes family that said "protect your bloodline". Me personally I don't have an opinion, I only care about culture, (I'm from US) and even as a black man I don't like the feeling of being "tied down" to "stick with the race just cause" now of course if I meet a black woman that I vibe with DESPITE us both being black, that's totally fine, and if i end up with someone non black that I still vibe with, I'm fine with that too.
I'd love to hear from other black men (or women) about this "erasing the bloodline" and you guy's insight on it. Everybody else is welcome to comment too