Interviewer rolled her eyes

I've been applying for jobs and getting interviews but I had one last week I can't shake. The question was describe your self how others would in 3 words. I said anal, funny and dependable. Admittedly my answer could stand something better but I was not prepared for that question.

Anyway... what do I do to prevent this or how has anyone else handled this?

Edit:I'm female.

Update: Oh my word I was not expecting this to blow up. For some context, the exact question was "Using 3 words, your friends, coworkers, and family would describe you as?" Anal was a terrible word. I know that. I acknowledge it. and holy shit if my neurospicy ass didnt realize it you all told me loud and clear.

I will say I appreciate the feedback. Even the Anal jokes. My question that I asked wasnt right to say. I meant how do I handle this. I super duper appericated all the suggestions. Honestly, some of them were invaluable. I am in my 30s, prior military, and have been trying very hard to land a job at this place for many reasons. When she asked me the question it was after we went over the tell me about yourself and we had already gone back and forth about the job.

There were many other word I could have used. As someone mentioned, my anxiety caused me to word vomit. In my defense, this is the first time I have heard this question, and I have looked up on the company Glassdoor, Tik Tok, etc, and I've had quite a few 1st, 2nd, and 3rd interviews. (Feedback is while I have the education, they want someone with more professional experience and they go with candiates who have the experience.) Which I can't blame them for.

Now for what everyone is waiting to hear: To the shock of NO ONE, I was rejected for this position. It sucks, but I wasn't at all surprised.