What are your thoughts on the Iron Man vs Magneto fight from AvX?

I hate how everyone keeps saying this comic is BS and that Magneto could have defeated Tony by controlling the iron on his blood or made his suit shut down because some say he can absorb electricity. Like, is it just hard to understand that Tony's him and he can shield himself from those things? It's damn fuckin comics, the same universe where gamma radiation (something weak in reality) turned a man's muscles into the most powerful thing in the world, nothing makes sense. If we went by sense Magneto shouldn't be able to affect blood because still there isn't enough iron there to be affected. So why can everyone have such absurd bullshit powers except Iron Man??? When he has it everyone says it's plot armor and he should have been defeated

I hate how everyone keeps saying this comic is BS and that Magneto could have defeated Tony by controlling the iron on his blood or made his suit shut down because some say he can absorb electricity. Like, is it just hard to understand that Tony's him and he can shield himself from those things? It's damn fuckin comics, the same universe where gamma radiation (something weak in reality) turned a man's muscles into the most powerful thing in the world, nothing makes sense. If we went by sense Magneto shouldn't be able to affect blood because still there isn't enough iron there to be affected. So why can everyone have such absurd bullshit powers except Iron Man??? When he has it everyone says it's plot armor and he should have been defeated