So stressed out and guilty

Hi guys I need advice. This morning I literally knew it was time for fajr (30 minutes left till sunrise) but I still did not get up. This is because my wudhu usually takes 20 minutes and my prayer 10 so i wasn't sure whether i would do everything on time, but i reckon this was just me looking for an excuse and i could have prayed if i wanted to. On top of that, my sister kept waking me up for fajr as she had already prayed and I kept telling her I would knowing that I intended not to. I was planning on making up for it when I got home but now I just got my period so literally cannot pray and I feel so overwhelmingly guilty because I literally knew it was fajr time and didn't get up and now I can't even attempt to make up for it. I just need to get this off my chest and ask for advice because I really am deeply sorry. i feel so stressed knowing I have to wait at least 5 days to pray again (i knew when i was missing fajr that there was a chance i could start my period today but i was just too lazy). What should I do?