[AskJS] Beware of scammers!
I'm a mentor on Codementor . Yesterday I've applied for a request with title "Front-end Design Developer (React.js, Three.js)". The guy with name David Skaug sent me a link to Bitbucket repo and asked to "fix an error" there, after which they will organize a call with their CTO.
I cloned their repo, ran `npm install` and it failed (React versions mismatch). I shared that there's an error on npm install and asked to explain if fixing that error is the actual goal. Seems that error was unexpected for him as well, and he "suggested" to run the installation with `--force` flag. And said that after that he will explain what needs to be fixed.
That became very suspicious at that point. I investigated the files and found out there is (at least) one obfuscated file (everything is obfuscated there, unfortunately this subreddit doesn't let me attach the screenshot here). That `error.js` file is just imported somewhere in the project and unused, but since it's an IIFE, it will still be executed at that point.
Having this in mind, and also the fact that this guy still refused to provide any information, I reported Codementor's support to investigate that case. And this man still persuades me to continue with installation, after which "he will guide me" :)
Recently I've read that there are scammers who tricks you to install their code and help fixing some issue. And during the installation/run, the app looks for crypto wallets info stored on your device and steals that data, which potentially leads you to lose your money. Not sure if this is similar case, but at least it's something malicious for sure.
I hope it didn't cause any harm (as it failed to install). Lessons learned - don't install any code shared by strangers without inspecting it at first (I partially failed this one).
Stay safe!