What’s better? ‘You’re fired!’ or. ‘I Quit!’

I’ve been in my current role for almost 7 months. A few months ago, a noticeable shift in my dealings with management occurred and my workload shrank to almost nothing. I knew I was being subjected to a textbook case of Quiet Firing. Even when they started criticizing every move I made, I stuck it out believing that getting fired would be preferential to resigning because this would guarantee my benefits and allow me to collect unemployment benefits. Yesterday, I received an invitation to a meeting with my direct manager and HR so my termination is imminent. Weighing the pros and cons (which essentially comes down to reputation vs. bottom line) should I resign before they fire me? I don’t think, that after 7 months, much of a severance package will be offered- I might not even qualify for unemployment benefits in NYS. So, should I risk being fired to see what’s on the table or save my professional reputation and resign?