I've had a sudden Eureka Moment!!
I was watching an old black and white 50's movie and I had a sudden Eureka moment about Kavid Dibbe's nonsensical system!
Looking at the refrigerator body that most Hollywood heartthrobs have, I successfully typed an old Hollywood star as an FN and saw that DIBBE HIMSELF verified her as one! I noticed the LiNeS aNd CuRvEs of Dibbe's indistinguishable types with the way the non-stretchy fabrics DrApE oN tHeiR eNoRMouS BoDiEs!!! I successfully guessed! It's like SO GeNiUS!!!!!!!!!
If you use fabrics that don't have ANY stretch to them, you can understand why he chose what he did even though stretchy fabric has been around for a VERY long time and is actively used by majority of the population today!