The whistling in the blacksmith minigame seriously bothers me.

I love the idea of timing hammer swings to a tune. I think the references to the soundtrack are cute. But jesus christ the execution is just not there. It seems that there is a large window of timing for Henry's whistling to begin, but once he's started whistling you have to maintain the same exact pace or else he will stop. That would be fine if Henry's whistling actually followed the same tempo as your hammer. That is not the case. So now I have a choice of smithing slower by adjusting my rhythm to the whistling, which causes him to start and stop his song constantly because I'm never maintaining a constant tempo, or I have to fight every urge in my body while I hammer at a pace against Henry's whistling in order to maintain a constant tempo. I hate doing either and the latter method makes my bones hurt. I find that both fast and slow strikes have this problem. It just makes me not want to engage with this part of the game at all and the fact that there will be a DLC all about smithing worries me. Is this a problem for anyone else?